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Training courses

I am taking bookings up to April 2025

I have many years experience designing and delivering a range of training courses and workshops.  I specialise in Safeguarding training for therapists, but also deliver training to social workers, teachers, childcare workers and foster carers. 


 All training sessions are offered via Zoom. In-person training at your location can also be negotiated. Please get in touch with any bespoke requirements and for prices. I can adapt any of my courses for your group.  


Safeguarding training:

  • Safeguarding Awareness for Counsellors and therapists (2 hours or 3 hours).

  • Specialist Safeguarding: Disclosure of non-recent abuse and the LADO process (1.5 hours)

  • Specialist safeguarding: Working with suicidality and safety planning (1.5 hours).

  • Specialist safeguarding: Working with domestic abuse and the DASH risk assessment (1.5 hours)


Working with Loss and Change:

  • Working with Care Experienced Adults and Young People (2 hours)

Open courses are advertised below and booking is via Academy SPACE Eventbrite page


I offer any of my courses to organisations or groups directly for a fixed fee. Please email me for prices and details. 



lynn findlay therapy logo training courses

Safeguarding Awareness for Counsellors and Therapists                                (2 hours or 3 hours) 

What is it about? The workshop will increase your knowledge and confidence about making safeguarding decisions about children and adults in the therapeutic context. We focus on joined up thinking across families and networks.

Is it for me? It is for therapists working with either adults or young people. Many adult clients have contact with children in some capacity, and all children are cared for by adults.  You can be in private practice or employed by an organisation.

What will I learn?  The session covers:

  • Legislative and statutory framework which promotes and safeguards a child’s welfare, including understanding terminology and comparisons with safeguarding adults (joined up thinking).

  • An overview of types of harm and abuse

  • The role of the therapist within this framework, exploring issues of confidentiality and contracting in the counselling context, with consideration to GDPR.

  • Making sense of your concerns and threshold dilemmas

  • Guidance on recording and reporting concerns

  • Signposting - what next.

How is it delivered? This is currently via Zoom, with information sharing, whole group discussion, and opportunities for questions and personal reflection.

Please get in touch if I can help. Open courses are booked via Eventbrite and are listed above, and the session can be purchased direct for your organisation or associate group. The training can be tailored direct to your learning needs.


Lynn findlay therapy logo

Loss and Change:  Working with Care Experienced Adults and Young People (2hrs)

What is it about? There are almost 100,000 children and young people in the UK care system, placed into the care of the local authority because they were unsafe at home or parents were unable to look after them. These children become care experienced adults. The aim of this workshop is to provide an understanding of the issues and the system experienced by adults and young people who have lived in care in the UK.

What will I learn? The session covers:

  • Understanding the legislative background of the care system from the 1960s to the present day.

  • The current care system and leaving care: what does it mean to live in care, the types of care and to leave care and be care experienced.

  • Abuse, trauma, identity, and family belonging across the life cycle

  • Abuse in care and reporting non-recent abuse

  • Issues in the therapy room for adults and young people: safer caring and safer counselling

Is this course for me?

This workshop is for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the care system and the experiences of young people growing up in and leaving this system. It is for therapists working with both adult clients and young people. There is a systemic and lifespan approach to the knowledge so it can be applied to clients of all ages. You will gain an understanding of early life events and the impact of a protective system on growing up and through into early and later adulthood. Clients may specifically access therapy to explore experiences from this part of their lives or hold the awareness of their background on new life events.

*This workshop gives a brief overview of the adoption process as one aspect of leaving care, but does not cover adoption issues*

S2afeguarding Bite Size monthly events (

Specialist safeguarding practice.

Disclosure of non-recent abuse and the LADO process: 

  • Are you aware how to manage a disclosure of non recent abuse in the therapeutic relationship?

  • How to maintain a duty of care and when to refer on to children's social care?

  • What is the process if the allegation is against a professional or practitioner working with children?

  • The role and responsibilities of yourself as therapist as "first disclosure witness" in pre-trial guidance?   


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